Old Classification = Current job description/title
New Classification = New job description/title (including any title changes)
Old Grade = Current grade
New Grade = New grade based on market study data
New classifications that resulted from the study can be found at the bottom of the list
Tentative 2024-25 Salary Schedule effective January 1, 2025 - June 30, 2025 (Pending unit ratification and Board approval in January) - Use this to compare your old grade to the new grade.
Removed 4 lowest grades and added 9 new grades
Updated grade descriptors from letters A-U to “C + number”
Updated step descriptors from 1-5 to A-E
Will be available for review prior to the ratification meeting
Classified Salary Study Comparable Entities – these are the entities used to compare the benchmark positions in the Classified Salary Study Custom Survey Market Data spreadsheet.
Final, graded job descriptions will be sent out no later than 5pm on 1/7/25
Unit members receiving a grade or step change will receive a separate letter from HR
A grade and/or step change will not result in a salary decrease. Per Article 7, section 7.7.1, “Any unit member in the bargaining unit receiving a reclassification or promotion under the provisions of this Agreement shall be moved to the appropriate grade and step of the new class to ensure not less than a 5% salary increase as a result of that reclassification or promotion, except that the unit member may be placed on the last step of the appropriate grade if that is the maximum allowable for that class.”
No new Z-rated positions (no decreases)
Z-rating prior to study
Positions = 19
Individuals = 24
Z-rating after study
Positions = 5
Individuals = 6
Off-schedule reviews will resume once the contract has been ratified and approved by the Board. Off-schedule reviews can be initiated by the employee, the supervisor, or the area administrator per the provisions in Article 19, section 19.5.
Article 22 – Employee Education and Training
Clarified language and processes
Added additional 1 hour/week of educational release time for 4-unit, SRJC language courses
Clarified language for release time not to exceed 20% of the regularly scheduled workweek
Added language regarding part-time unit member ability to flex schedule to participate in PDA day and in-service training
Clarified that unit members do not forfeit lunch hour to attend in-service training
Expanded shared governance compensation to include official subcommittees and workgroups of shared governance bodies
Increased compensation to 20 hours for management team hiring committees
Article 25 – Parking
Clarified language
Added that classified unit members with a DMV Disabled Person Placard may park in any available staff, student, parking meter, and ADA space at any time without a parking permit
Article 26 – Term of Agreement
Updated term of agreement to July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2027
Agreed to keep Article 7 – Pay and Allowances, and Article 9 – Health and Welfare Benefits as automatic yearly openers
Agreed to keep provision that each party may choose up to 4 additional articles to re-open in years 1 and 2 and any number of articles to re-open in year 3
Agreed to open appendices automatically for annual updates