Greetings Fellow Classified Professionals,
I hope you all are doing well during these difficult times and staying safe. Once again, we are excited to send you our SEIU PowerSource newsletter as we’ve been on pause for a bit. Thank you for being patient with us as we also have had difficulties working remotely to get our jobs done and thank you for your understanding.
Times are definitely stressful and sometimes frustrating; our community will never be the same and yet we are resilient, and we will overcome these devastating times as we all work together.
Many challenges, changes, and updates that continuously occur as we work remotely, yet we remain diligent and persistent and work through all the obstacles to get our job done. Working through computer program updates, and apps to be learned in order to do our work; we adapt to what it takes to get the job done. You ALL are so greatly appreciated!
If you find you are having work difficulties, do not hesitate to voice your work concerns with your SEIU leadership, or with your administrator if you are comfortable with that. As a reminder, if we do not agree with what may be occurring in our work area, and we do not speak up, there is an assumption that we are OK with the changes, including our workload and working conditions. We must voice our concerns in how we do our work, remind our supervisor what our workload is like, and most importantly, what skills, abilities, and District knowledge we have, in order to do our job so we can continue to be successful. SEIU is here to work with you and hear about the impacts that you are experiencing and facing while doing your job. We are here to help each other and ready to give attention and assist in difficult matters. Please, do not hesitate to contact your SEIU Leadership with your questions and concerns.
SEIU leadership continues to work with the District regarding on-going reorganizational changes including district-initiated transfers or reassignments as it relates to classified professionals. SEIU has addressed the District's new hiring and recruitment of positions to the outside community for District hiring. We have asked to hold off on outside recruitment and temporarily use internal recruitment hiring only. We continue to have SRJC reorgs happening including budget concerns, these new positions may be needed in the future.
To address three on-going topics here at the college: the SRJC budget, COVID-19 pandemic, and the racial justice issue. The VP of Business & Finance has been transparent with SEIU negotiators, as well as with the District, regarding the District’s current budget situation. We are aware student enrollment continues to remain low and next year’s state budget is unknown. Unfortunately, the November ballot measures we had hoped to pass for financial assistance to the District were defeated. Our financial situation will continue as we are getting by with the extended fire relief funding for now. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we are told we will receive a paycheck as long as we are “willing to work”.
SEIU works closely in support and agreement with the District regarding the on-site protocols assuring safe, protected, and healthy working conditions to be followed. Essential workers have been on-site, working limited shifts as needed, while we continue to work remotely. If you need to come on campus, remember to get approval from your supervisor and alert the District Police. Employees will continue to work remotely, and classes will be held remotely, throughout the spring semester as remain sheltered-in-place.
Regarding the current climate on racial justice within SRJC, the Board of Trustees passed Resolution 15-20, in Support of Solidarity with the Black/African American Community and Commitment to Greater Equity and anti-Racism. The Board has created an Ad Hoc Racial Justice Committee and is requesting our involvement to support this Resolution. I have included information below about how to submit an application form from Dr. Chong’s e-mail, your participation is needed.
The application deadline will be extended, please submit your application. An extension of the deadline will be sent out from Dr. Chong.
It will take all of us together to make a change, there is a need for structural change to end systemic oppression economically, judicially, and politically. We look forward to many lectures and educational seminars on this issue in the near future as well.
In addition, SEIU International Executive Board has also passed a resolution in support of the Movement for Black Lives Matter. SEIU believes in, and fights for our vision for a just society where all workers are valued and all people are respected no matter where we are from or the color of our skin; where all communities can thrive; and where we leave a more just and equitable world for generations to come. SEIU is committed to being an anti-racist organization and fighting for racial and economic justice.
Working Together We Can Make a Change –
SEIU supports the Black Lives Matter Movement!
Finally, we always need help with Union activities! Please get involved with your Union, we meet twice a month for one hour 12:00-1:00 on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Please contact me so I can meet with you at 535-3746, or send me an e-mail at
NOW is a great time to make this decision. Please join your fellow classified professionals and stand strong with SEIU – together we CAN make a difference!
Your Union and the District reached an agreement for eligible employees who received up to six (6) PTO days, due to last years negotiations. The original deadline “use it or lose it” was any time prior to July 1, 2020. Now SEIU unit employees will be able to use the remaining PTO time by December 31, 2020. Please contact a Steward or CEC member with any questions.

The stewards are here to help you with questions, meetings with your supervisor, or issues related to working conditions. They provide individual assistance on specific situations impacted by workload, staffing and contract issues. Please contact any job steward if you have questions, concerns, or need information on your contract benefits, rights and responsibilities.
Please contact a union steward if you are approached about changes in your workload, or position.
Link to Job Stewards:
Message from your Union Representative:
The SRJC/SEIU Chapter Leadership would like to thank all our members for their service to our students and to the college community during this time. We would also like to thank all our members as they bravely deal with the COVID pandemic and the uncertain and anxious feelings it has brought. I would like to send a special thank you to our Police Officers, Police Dispatchers, Community Service Officers, Custodians, IT Staff, Maintenance Crews and all the others classifications for their essential work in keeping our college going. Thank you for continuing to come on to campus to serve our students every day. To keep protecting our fellow SEIU Classified Professionals, we encourage all to follow the Shelter in Place order. We have been working closely with District Management on safety protocols for our members. When the time comes to return to our “new normal” we will ensure that we are thoughtful and systemic in our return.
I would also like to thank everyone else who are working from home. I know each of you face the daily challenges of balancing family life with work all in the same setting. At the end of this, I know we will be able to hold our heads up high and show our community that we fulfilled our duty as public servants and our public work is important and has value. Should you have any safety concerns or just need to talk to someone, please speak to a CEC member or steward. Once again, please keep safe and thank you for all you do!
Aaron M. Burton
Field Representative
SEIU Local 1021| 600 B Street
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Cell # 707-234-9737
Sandy Sigala (132)
Jordan Mead (1, write-in)
Cheri Winter (1, write-in)
Jessica (1, invalid write-in)
Lead Negotiator
Jordan Mead (133)
Adrienne Leihy (137)
(3 Positions)
Greg Drukala (125)
Robert “Bob” Peterson (124)
Sandy Sigala (124)
Cheri Winter (1, write-in)
Patty Collis (1, write-in)
(2 Positions)
Jordan Mead (130)
Blanca Flores (1, write-in)
Marc Rudlin (1, write-in)
Josh Linton (1, write-in)
We want to hear from you! Contact us, with your ideas and they could be in the next issue of the PowerSource! All submissions can be emailed to the Communications Officer,
Joshua Pinaula, (Submissions may be edited for clarity & length)