Hello Fellow Classified Professionals,
Such a devastating time for all; I hope everyone is safe and staying healthy during these trying times in a State of Emergency as a result of the threat of COVID-19. Unfortunately the updates to this illness are changing daily; we now are required by Governor Newsome’s “shelter in place” order that currently remains indefinitely, with exception to the essential workers who maintain operations for emergency purposes, on a rotating basis. The order is to help cease the spread of the coronavirus illness among the community, and is issued to protect the public health. We are allowed access to necessities such as food, prescriptions, and health care, while we practice social distancing. The District has definitely had their share of emergencies within these last few years, especially for our classified professionals. We now are being rushed to learn new computer applications and self-train to be able to work remotely from our homes; definitely a new way to work for most of us. Your negotiators have worked collaboratively with the District to negotiate a temporary telecommuting agreement which was agreed upon by both parties. It is understood that as long as classified are “willing to work,” we will be paid our normal paychecks. Please contact your SEIU representatives here at the college for guidance in what to do or how to get your work done, including finding work. We understand it is very difficult for the classified who are not office workers, but work in other areas at the college, to feel assured they have enough work to keep busy. However SRJC is very fortunate that, like a big family, we collaborate while being mindful of decisions needing to be made, to find new changes that will work for everyone, including our students.
The SEIU Executive Board has approved financial assistance funding for the COVID-19 pandemic for those SEIU Members who have lost their jobs due to layoffs and unpaid salary due to the coronavirus. This assistance is similar to when we had the fires, where SEIU assisted as well. Contact me or the main SEIU office for more information if needed. These funds will assist up to a maximumr of 5,000 SEIU member employees.
Unions are important because - Unions help set the standards for education, skill levels, wages, working conditions equal opportunities in the workplace and quality of life for the workers. Unions negotiate better terms and conditions for wages and benefits and provide much protections for your employment.
I bring this reminder forward because the Freedom Foundation Act once again is contacting SEIU member employees to drop the Union, telling Union members that during these difficult times, they could have better use of their monthly dues for their household.
Unions provide workers with a powerful, collective voice to communicate to management our dissatisfaction and frustrations. In the situation we face today at SRJC, your SEIU Negotiators continue to negotiate with the District during these emergency situations which we continue to receive a paid salary and no furloughs or layoffs.
Unity is Strength - WE ARE STRONGER TOGETHER!!!
Please take care, stay healthy, practice social distancing and safety. Hope to see you all on zoom this week Wednesday at noon.
Sandy Sigala
SEIU1021 SRJC Local Chapter President
Your Union and the District reached an agreement for eligible employees who received up to six (6) PTO days, due to last years negotiations. The original deadline “use it or lose it” was any time prior to July 1, 2020. Now SEIU unit employees will be able to use the remaining PTO time by December 31, 2020. Please contact a Steward or CEC member with any questions.

The stewards are here to help you with questions, meetings with your supervisor, or issues related to working conditions. They provide individual assistance on specific situations impacted by workload, staffing and contract issues. Please contact any job steward if you have questions, concerns, or need information on your contract benefits, rights and responsibilities.
Please contact a union steward if you are approached about changes in your workload, or position.
Link to Job Stewards:
Message from your Union Representative:
The SRJC/SEIU Chapter Leadership would like to thank all our members for their service to our students and to the college community during this time. We would also like to thank all our members as they bravely deal with the COVID pandemic and the uncertain and anxious feelings it has brought. I would like to send a special thank you to our Police Officers, Police Dispatchers, Community Service Officers, Custodians, IT Staff, Maintenance Crews and all the others classifications for their essential work in keeping our college going. Thank you for continuing to come on to campus to serve our students every day. To keep protecting our fellow SEIU Classified Professionals, we encourage all to follow the Shelter in Place order. We have been working closely with District Management on safety protocols for our members. When the time comes to return to our “new normal” we will ensure that we are thoughtful and systemic in our return.
I would also like to thank everyone else who are working from home. I know each of you face the daily challenges of balancing family life with work all in the same setting. At the end of this, I know we will be able to hold our heads up high and show our community that we fulfilled our duty as public servants and our public work is important and has value. Should you have any safety concerns or just need to talk to someone, please speak to a CEC member or steward. Once again, please keep safe and thank you for all you do!
Aaron M. Burton
Field Representative
SEIU Local 1021| 600 B Street
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Cell # 707-234-9737
We want to hear from you! Contact us, with your ideas and they could be in the next issue of the PowerSource! All submissions can be emailed to the Communications Officer,
Joshua Pinaula, (Submissions may be edited for clarity & length)